“The Suffolk is simply hard to beat...“Barney Moss Castlederg
“Nothing beats the suffolk for growth ......... lambs are sold before prices begin to fall...."Brian Wilson - Antrim Estate
“The Suffolk has served our purpose extremely well over the years and continues to do so today...“Meredith Dunwoody Caledon
A Few Words About the Breed
The Suffolk evolved from the mating of Norfolk Horn ewes with Southdown rams in the Bury St Edmunds area, these sheep were known as Southdown Norfolks, or locally, as "Black faces."
The first recording is in 1797 when in his "General view of agriculture in the county of Suffolk" Arthur Young stated: "These ought to be called the Suffolk breed, the mutton has superior texture, flavour, quantity and colour of gravy."
The first classes to exhibit Suffolk Sheep were at the Suffolk Show in 1859. The first flock book was published in 1887.
Originally renowned as a producer of mutton, the breed has developed over the years to match consumer demands. Suffolks are now found throughout the world's sheep producing countries. They are the flag-ship breed in the British Isles and recognised as the leading terminal sire on a variety of ewes to produce top quality prime lamb.
Why Choose Suffolk
The Suffolk Sheep breed is the commercial farmer's passport to profit. Superior conformation of prime lambs sired by the Suffolk has maintained the breed's enviable popularity among sheep farmers. No other breed produces lambs of such consistent quality from such a wide range of management systems.
Prime lamb producers, whether aiming to market Easter Lamb or Spring-Born Lamb finished on grass from 10 weeks old, can rely on the Suffolk for optimum performance.