i see avalanche lillies on thei see avalanche lillies on the

eid sheepeid sheep

abraham lake and mount michnerabraham lake and mount michner

isaac turned to abraham andisaac turned to abraham and

abraham gave lot a choice andabraham gave lot a choice and

abraham day okabraham day ok

8  god will provide a sheep8 god will provide a sheep

and abrahamand abraham

the angels left abraham atthe angels left abraham at

hulk abraham sheep on a countyhulk abraham sheep on a county

sees the god of abrahamsees the god of abraham

instead he sacrifices a sheepinstead he sacrifices a sheep

abraham sheepabraham sheep

you can see jacquard coverletsyou can see jacquard coverlets

click on a photo to see a larger versionclick on a photo to see a larger version

once god saw abrahamsonce god saw abrahams

see final illustrationsee final illustration

by abraham ofmby abraham ofm

they see it  they see the sacrifice  they see the differencethey see it they see the sacrifice they see the difference

a sheep for the burnt offeringa sheep for the burnt offering

a sheep is seen before itsa sheep is seen before its



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